"Former President Woodrow Wilson became ill with the 1918 flu when he was in Paris in April 1919 organizing a peace treaty and the League of Nations following World War I. "
"For Wilson, the virus “took its toll on him,” Markel said. “That can have neurologic and long-term complications. And he was already at the time traveling and living on a train and giving five to 10 speeches a day. That’s not healthy.”"
"When he got back to the United States, Wilson went on a whistle-stop tour to get the League of Nations ratified, which ultimately failed, Markel said. While on his tour, Wilson became thinner, paler and more frail, Markel would write in a column."
"He lost his appetite, his asthma grew worse and he complained of unrelenting headaches, he added. He would later have a bad stroke.

“His wife basically took over the presidency after that,” he added.""
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