Trump so disliked the media coverage that he forced his people to take him back to the White House.

Several thoughts:

1) He's still contagious.. sitting in close proximity to secret service members in a vehicle w/ cloth mask. That's not fair to them. Seriously irresponsible.
2) He hasn't even finished his 5-day course of medicine. Even leaving tomorrow would have been dangerous.

3) He has learned f'in nothing from this. He forced doctors to lie & paint a rosy picture - the same attitude that led to 200k+ deaths.

4) Also learned nothing about...
covid-19. Folks go through ups/downs. One day they can be perfect, the next they can be on their death bed. Again, HIGHLY IRRESPONSIBLE.

More thoughts to come. At this point though, he either a) faked this whole thing, or b) is the dumbest mf'er on the planet.
5) He's not of sound mind right now. I mean, the man obviously has some deep psychological issues regardless, but he can't make proper decisions on dexamethasone.
6) Trump has a luxury others do not. A mini hospital in the WH capable of treating a massive array of things. If his condition turns quickly, he knows he'll get a medevac back to Walter Reed - on your tax dollars, to which he either doesn't contribute or pays $750/yr at most.
7) Following up on the last point. This silver spoon privileged MFer has shown disregard for public spending. He doesn't care if this stunt costs you more. It's why he golfs so much. It's why he profits off his properties. Which begs to ask the question, what else don't we know?
8) Correction: He's not going back to the WH. The previous two points still stand in a general sense though. The fact that it was a drive-by photo-op only to stay at Walter Reed is even more infuriating. HE HAS LEARNED NOTHING!! He's f'in mental. Invoke the 25th amendment now!
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