Reading the reaction to the news that we may be moving to Level 5 would leave you in despair.

The way people treat each other based upon a difference in opinion is truly worrying.

It leaves me feeling very uneasy. I don't know why that is so but here's a few thoughts: (1)
I genuinely believe that when you dig down the majority of people's beliefs and intentions re Covid are within similar realms.

Not exactly the same but similar.

But a few hundred characters on Twitter simply can't capture those thoughts and so the vile commentary begins. (2)
It's okay to believe that preservation of life has to be the primary concern and that government should fully back NPHET's recommendations.

It's also okay to express concern over the potential health & economical consequences of restrictions & the effects they could have. (3)
What's not okay is the vitriolic abuse people hurl at each other because they disagree.

Chances are the majority of us (even if we differ in opinion) would be capable of having a rational conversation were it not for the protection of a keyboard. (4)
Regardless of what happens restriction wise over the next couple of week's and months it won't be easy on anyone and thousands will suffer be it through the loss of loved ones, delayed health diagnosis, lack of social interaction or financial hardship. The list goes on. (5)
What we don't need to do is abuse each other and make things even more stressful and difficult because we don't see eye to eye.

Chances are that our beliefs are based upon our circumstances. Remember that and take it easy on each other.

It will eventually pass. (6)
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