DO NOT shut people down if they are explaining science in their own way. Negative reinforcement and shaming is NOT how we help people build positive relationships with science. I'm going to be posting responses to @MCHammer's tweet that reflect good/bad practices in education.
Let's start with a good example. This says: I want to help you. I value you in this space, let's add to the info you already know. It doesn't force beliefs or shame. It just says "Hey, here's some info!"
Again this is not about RIGHT versus WRONG but YOU decide what KIND of science communicator you want to be. Are you going to shame someone into loving and understanding science? Are you going to take the time to help someone nurture a positive relationship with science?
Also, I want to remind everyone I have two degrees in molecular biology and am finishing a PHD in SCIENCE EDUCATION. I am very sensitive to how people have conversations about science and are teaching/learning science. My passion is creating inclusive learning environments.
As formally trained science educators we learn how to code educational discussions. Here are some words that I coded from one response: "die" "ugly" "embarrassing". The theme here is negative language. I personally wouldn't use these words to teach, but that's just me.
Read this from the American Society of Cell Biology: A Call to Use Cultural Competence When Teaching Evolution to Religious College Students: Introducing Religious Cultural Competence in Evolution Education (ReCCEE)
This is one of my favorite books, written by a Quantum Physicist who is A PRIEST. 
Repeating the thoughts mentioned here-- this thread is NOT about whether he is right or wrong. Not here to discuss that. It's about our responsibility to understand how to communicate science to people we don't agree with WITHOUT verbally abusing them.
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