Hey everyone let’s all remember to be positive and encouraging about each other’s music. A thread.
First off, it’s really refreshing and nice when you find someone who stands FOR things instead of AGAINST things. You know people on both sides. Who do you enjoy seeing more?
Second, you’re opening yourself up for criticism. Maybe you’re open to it, but much of the time people don’t like getting their stuff dragged through the mud. Not everyone loves your stuff to, so why invite it?
Thirdly, rarely are trailblazers or respected icons built on them crapping on other peoples stuff. They just do what they do, do it well, and have fun.
Fourthly, and probably the worst part of this, you might be stifling someone’s art. Everyone sucks at things when they start and if you dump on someone’s art, you’re not being cool.
Finally, remember that you suck from SOMEONES point of view. If you don’t think you suck, you’re surrounded by yes-people. Always strive to be better and realize you have room to grow too.
We’re all just out here making art together and if you wanna gatekeeper each other, that’s kinda lame. Thanks for attending my Ted talk.
Oh addendum: if you’re on the receiving end of this sorta stuff, do your best to take the meat from it, dump the salt, and keep learning, growing and creating. People like this exist everywhere. Maybe we can swing them our way someday. Maybe not. You keep growing and making art.
You can follow @djsethduncan.
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