Into "Huis Clos" / "No exit" by Jean Paul Sartre, the book that we see Namjoon reading in BU official trailer 🧐
"A dream is the small hidden door in the deepest and most intimate sanctum of the soul, which opens to that primeval cosmic night that was soul long before there was conscious ego and will be soul far beyond what a conscious ego could ever reach." - C.G. Jung
Before talking about this book (⚠SPOILERS in the thread⚠)I'd like to look into J.P. Sartre thinking. He considered plays as the most purest way in which one could represent and express life itself.

Similar to what M. L. Von Franz thought about tales. https://twitter.com/__Samira7__/status/1311755448652115969
1. Characters

🔹Garcin. Apparently he was a Hero but a coward behind the curtains.
🔹Inés. A woman who enjoyed other's suffering, even from her own family.
🔹Estelle. Apparently perfect woman who had an affair with a younger man.
🔹Waiter. In charge of bringing all 3 together.
2. Elements

🔹Statue. Which reminds Garcin that he has a bad side.
🔹Mirror. As a tool where one can see him/herself and recognize its own existence. We see eyes as mirror as well.
🔹Sofas 🛋. As representation of a house?! We see 3 different sofas: Red, Blue and green.
Eyes are the mirror of the Soul, the most loyal mirror that tells you the truth about yourself.
3. The bad place.

Its true that the play is really like the serie "The Good Place", just in this case we're in the bad place, where each of the characters have to look inside of them and face/acknowledge their own monsters.
Inés was the 1st one to notice it and talk about it, mostly because unlike the other 2 she's aware of her bad side.
She knows that she's a bad person since she needs other's sufferings in order to exist. While Garcin and Estelle needs others attention.
4. Connected

Inés also realize that it's not a coincidence that the 3 of them are reunited in the same room despite coming from different backgrounds, and after reading the whole play I think the same. The 3 of theme were connected somehow through their background stories.
I came to think about this thanks to Inés story. In her story there were 3 persons (2 women and 1 man), who D worded one after another, 1st the man, the 2 woman.
In the play the characters came following an order: 1st Garcin, then Inés and finally Estelle.
Another thing that makes me think that their stories are connected is because there is always a man who D words 1st in a horrible way:
🔹 Garcin took the train and D worded
🔹In Inés story the man had an accident with a train
🔹In Estelle story, she doesn't clearly know how he +
D worded but she refers to him as the man with a destroyed face.
The think is that despite not knowing how that man D worded, she quickly recognized Garcin as that man. Coincidence?! I dont think so.
Having this in mind and going back to Inés story, there is something in her background story that feels like she was talking about the current situation on the room, and just like me Garcin also noticed it 🤔
5. Parts of the same psyche

Looking into the characters I've notice that we can see the archetypes being represented as well:

🔹Inés = Shadow
🔹Estelle = Persona/Ego
🔹Garcin = Estelle's Animus

This makes sense since at the end the 3 of them realize that they're inseparable.
Why Estelle as the Ego?! Mostly because she's afraid of Inés who as her shadow seeks for Estelle acceptance and is willing to protect her. But just like Nina with Lily in "Black Swan"🎥, Estelle tries to push Inés away each time only to realize that she can't erase her.
Seeing the characters as archetypes, I see similarities with Demian Book, the Good Place series and Black Swan movie.
5. Soul Mate

Look how the Good Place talks a lot about Soul mate, and how Chidi and Eleanor are at first, despite being totally opposite from each other, soul mates. To me this is making reference to the Anima/Animus 🤔 https://twitter.com/__Samira7__/status/1290018234339454978
6. Conclusion

"No exit" it's a place where you've to face yourself and embrace those traits of yours that you tried to hide.
Like Garcin said at the end: "You're what you want to BE"

Kinda like Carl Jung's words: "I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to BEcome"
This is my baby thread about the book but check this thread by Lyna where she explains everything better, deeper and with better words 😉 https://twitter.com/Lyna91Fr/status/1307832308892917761
Thank you for reading 💜
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