I am a Marxist. Here's why the Democratic Party can't & won't fight Trump. A THREAD...

The Democratic Party fears social opposition from below more than it opposes Trump. Its actions are always 1st aimed at suppressing the class struggle & defending the state institutions. 1/
That's why Biden pulled attack ads & why Dems' line is to wish Trump will "get well soon" when he last week ordered his fascist supporters to "stand by," threatening a coup. Dems are afraid of triggering protests, which have taken place throughout Trump's 1st term. 2/
The Dems' are a capitalist party. They represent the banks, Wall St., military, intel agencies. Dems, like Trump, are forcing workers back to work/students back to school despite #covid. They have fundamentally the same policy as Trump: workers must die for corporate profits. 3/
The Dems do have some disagreements with Trump. Dems want an aggressive foreign policy vs. Russia and also China. Dems are frustrated that Trump is unpredictable & insufficiently dedicated to advancing the interests of US imperialism & protecting profits of US corps worldwide. 4/
When it comes to opposing Trump on these issues, Dems are fierce, ferocious, courageous. They impeached him in December b/c he was allegedly insufficiently supportive of extreme-right anti-Russian elements in Ukraine. They denounce him loudly for questioning the CIA/FBI/NSA. 5/
But on questions of democratic rights/social questions, Dems have helped Trump at every stage. They passed $ for his border wall, ignored separation of immigrant families, passed his massive defense spending bills, allowed deployment of nat'l guard to US-Mexico border. 6/
And when there were anti-police violence protests this summer, it was Democratic governors and mayors who deployed national guard, deployed police, arrested thousands of people exercising their free speech rights. Trump congratulated many Dem governors for getting "tough." 7/
It's worth remembering that on election night 2016, Clinton was ahead by 3 million votes and she conceded on election night. She made no demands on the incoming gvm't, that it appoint Dems to the cabinet, etc. He claimed a mandate and Dems said nothing. 8/
Just like in the 2000 elections, the Dems would always rather lose to the Republicans than do or say anything that would appeal to the interests of the broad mass of people. 9/
There is no point--no point at all--in trying to pressure the Dems to the left. History has shown over and over again that it doesn't work. Look at William Jennings Bryan, the CPUSA, Henry Wallace, Jesse Jackson, etc. etc. 10/
Politicians like Sanders and AOC and orgs like the @DemSocialists/ @jacobinmag are part of an operation to prop up this right-wing, capitalist party by propagating the myth (and that's all it is) that the Dems can be pressured to the left. It cannot be. 11/
The opposite is the case. The more opposition Dems face from below, the MORE they will work w/ Trump & GOP in BS spirit of "compromise," "bipartisanship," "country over party" b/c they fear doing ANYTHING that might trigger a mvmt from below. That is the fundamental dynamic. 12/
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