How do you plan to build power within a party if your entryism involved 15 mins, a fee, and an electronic vote? You have obviously never organized within a bureaucratic institution before
If your only hope was that the new Green Party leader would be a critical voice... fine? But without any living or meaningful connections to the party you’re quite unlikely to be able to hold them to any meaningful account later.
I really do wonder why people think it matters that someone in a mild position of status can “change the conversation” - a lot of us have critical discussions in public and say quite radical things - but how does that translate into meaningful democratic power?
The problem here really is one of hegemonic articulation - and it is not enough to make utterances in public to change the course of history. If a socialist had a platform every night on television this does not translate into actual working class power
I too would like my opinions in the public eye, but I am not foolish enough to think that representation in the public sphere translates into power. It is merely a starting point - and we have to rely on our own media for that
The UK had quite a few people elected to office espousing some form of socialism in public. I would encourage the Canadian left to contemplate their limitations.
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