So a lot of people have been talking Seattle/Portland today (which I love and I love all of us learning from each other) and I want to bring up something else Seattle has:
Protest Comms
Now I don't have any Portland connections so this might be already happening, but if it isn't I want to share something I think has been useful here (with the caviot that I have never been OTG myself
If you go to #SeattleProtestComms you can see that a lot of people are listening to the police scanner and posting what the police are doing, in real time, but that is just the tip of the iceberg
There are people watching the traffic cameras, live streams, SPD's twitter, journalist's twitter, etc and using that to figure out where cops are moving and to report that to the ground in signal chats
We KNOW that cops are using these things against us - so we use them ourselves to.
The people who have been doing this for a while know what "normal" cop behavior looks like and we can tell what isn't. We can tell you if there was an unrelated call right next to the protests
And we are all decentralized!
We often roughly coordinate coverage on twitter, but there are prob 10x more people off twitter doing the same thing I haven't heard about because there is no reason for me too.
And anyone with a laptop can do comms, even if that cant go out IRL!
anyway with that I'm going to drop this link here 

(also double check your local laws since I think someone said Portland laws might be different that Seattle? Im not a lawyer though)
And one more thread
So several people have told me that PPB doesn't use the scanner / has a lot of encrypted, but some others are saying other LEOs might? Not sure exactly, but I trust you all can figure out what works for you
also I'm muting this thread to focus on comms work for tonight
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