If and when you go down the rabbit hole that is wikipedia reading about serial killers, it's really really evident that vulnerability/disposability is what allows serial killers to even exist. If society valued all people, this just wouldn't happen. https://twitter.com/ztsamudzi/status/1312792055320653824
Over and over, a serial killer is able to kill so many people only by targeting marginalized people and taking advantage of communication gaps in detective work (i.e. moving around).
At various points, it's teen boys from poor BIPOC families who're written off as "runaways" or people involved in sex work or Indigenous people (see also the horrific ongoing targeting of Indigenous women in the US/Canada #mmiw).
These killers are often known or suspected; it's that the people they're targeting are not believed, are written off, are not valued.

Serial killers are a societal problem, not in what forms them (no idea), but in what allows their actions to escalate and continue.
(This thread brought to you by my advanced degree from 3AM Wikipedia University, where I've also studied building collapses, human-made disasters, the history of fire exits, the evolution of airplane safety, etc.).
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