I like and agree with both these people. The prerational/rational/meta-rational framing may help understand their apparent disagreement... https://twitter.com/kareem_carr/status/1312766149487194112?s=20
Heying argues for the value of rationality and functional systems against what I've called "pseudo-pomo": pre-rational tribal politics, driven by incoherent emotions and real or fictitious kinship, dressed up in the jargon of postmodern critical theory. https://meaningness.com/metablog/stem-fluidity-bridge#sabotage
Fighting on behalf of rational systems is critically important now as major institutions we depend on, constructed original on rational foundations, appear to be disintegrating.

Pseudo-pomo seems to be one major cause. https://meaningness.com/metablog/stem-fluidity-bridge#destroy
Systematic rationalism overlooks the non-rational work that relates formal systems with concrete reality (circumrationality), and the non-rational work of creating rational systems (meta-rationality).

This blind spot limits and distorts its functioning... https://meaningness.com/eggplant/credibility-post-truth
There is a new meta-rational revolution in statistical practice. Statisticians increasingly understand that there are no true or correct answers. The effectiveness of methods relating numbers & reality depends on context & purpose.

Carr, a statistician, articulates this view...
The failures of modernity—which began cracking fifty years ago and now is shaking apart before our eyes—are the failures of rationalism.

I believe we can, should, and will remodel society, culture, and ourselves on a meta-rational basis.

But... https://meaningness.com/eggplant/credibility-post-truth
You can't understand meta-rationality without already being rational.

Hooray for Heyting and other rationalists for teaching the value of rationality, and for insisting on maintaining systematic institutions during the transition!

Hooray for Carr and other meta-rationalists for leading us into a better future by figuring out how meta-rationality works in diverse domains, and for communicating the viewpoint to the rational public!
[I do not know either Heying or Carr's work as well as I should; I hope I have not mischaracterized either of their views. Also, tbc, they might not recognize or accept "rationalism" or "meta-rationalism" as describing their standpoints.]
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