Not y’all doing ANOTHER balloon release on social media
When you release these balloons. Is there no long-term thought? Where do you think they’re going to end up? Do you think they’re magically gonna disappear?
Balloons travel thousands of miles and end up littering in our most fragile ecosystems. Some bird, fish or sea turtle will end up mistaking the balloons as food or getting entangled in the strings
Try to think of the long-term impact of your short-term actions. If you must do something to signify a special occasion there are several eco-friendly alternatives: plant native trees, fly kites, wave flags/banners, paint murals, blow bubbles, write things in chalk etc.
You can follow @specieswithshan.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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