each time you evolve as a person, your standards should evolve along with you. the way you’ve grown so much yet still allow others to fall short of you because you can “empathize” with them needs to stop baby. they are on their journey & you are on yours. so do right by yourself.
i mean actually read what i’m saying. you have spent hours in the form of days, weeks and years crying, releasing and improving on yourself. you have done your best to master what you can in terms of emotion regulation, you’ve learned to look at things objectively, you’ve...
taught yourself how to not take things personally, you’ve taught yourself to recognize when you need space to think, the list TRULY goes on. but then there’s the ones in your life that have done nothing despite knowing that they probably should... despite knowing that their...
actions are hurting you & others around them. they refuse, why? because you continue to empathize with their stagnancy. you continue to “be the bigger person” & receive their blows. knowledge is supposed to empower you not disempower you.
just because you understand their reasons for why does not mean it’s your job to excuse them. maybe your growth happened quicker than you realized & so you continue to wait for them to catch up to you even though you’re seeing no progress from them. then what?
just going to continue to allow them to hurt you and repeat the cycle of doom until?? they... change? but damn what about all the time you could be spending happy & at peace without their energy trying to drain yours. without their fire cannons trying to break down your castle.
what about you? doing all of that self-reflecting only to be around the same toxicity you worked so hard to rid yourself of... is the equivalent of taking 5 steps forward & 10 steps back. don’t let your work be for nothing. keep fucking blooming and choose yourself for once.
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