In other news I think I just used the Pythagorean Theorem for the first time in my adult life to solve a real world problem. Appreciate the congrats.
I do a lot of hand tool woodworking. Or I did until a couple years ago and then I recently got a chance to set up a new workshop so this is a caddy for bench dogs like these and other wooden jigs.
I’ve been spending off time recently building out this tool wall. Chisels and planes are under the bench.
The logic and organization is pretty haphazard for now. I'm just setting up the holders as I go for the tools I use the most. Once I get everything in place I'd put more thought into where things go. Perhaps redo a few of them. The marking gauge and square holder was rushed.
The nice thing about this french cleat system is everything is movable. Even the big saw till on the right slide across the eight feet of wall more or less effortlessly.
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