I say it again every time I see it: this is the single most tacky talking point that any american can have. cry about it with your friends over beer, maybe, or post it on your locked alt, but don't tweet it with your bluecheck for the entire world to see https://twitter.com/ZackFord/status/1312488862778703875
like, grow up. go to therapy, whatever you need. you have the world's most powerful military in the world, which has dropped more bombs on civillians etc than any other nation in history.

to then be like "uwu wouldn't it be nice if we were conquered" is the weirdest infantile-
last time this happened https://twitter.com/visakanv/status/1272164115654443009
as someone else mentioned, I generally try my best to be as civil and polite etc etc, and very, very rarely use words like "pathetic" or phrases like "grow up"– but this is one very specific thing that I find particularly loathsome. It's an abdication of responsibility, in crisis
"oh, these people are just venting, give them room to vent, they're suffering" – I get that, but you're not seeing the bigger picture here. I'm talking about strategy. Do you want to cope or do you want to win? If you want to win you have to stop BEING A LOSER. I'm sorry!!!
it's not hard to imagine a non-trivial number of voters actually thinking "I could vote for the team with fascists or the team that wants foreigners to invade us" and then say "I will vote fascists". Like, if you want to win, then Stop Doing That
Red Team: we're all kinds of horrible, but at least we don't want our country to be invaded by foreigners

non-US observer: haha c'mon that's ridiculous, who could possibly want their-

Blue Team: We do!! please invade us!!

non-US observer: what the fuck
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