Why Every Fighter Needs a Good Switchkick, a thread by Othr DeMepsche
Switchkick is a personal favorite, and a wonderful skill to have as an Orthodox fighter. For today we’re just gonna focus on the Switchkick, easy to do, fast and strong without much fancy footwork

First thing we’re gonna talk about is the angle the kick comes from
In fighting there’s a principle called open vs closed-side. Closed side is your lead, open side is your rear

Essentially the lead side you can close off by hunching behind your back, open side only your hands are in the way. Wut means?
It means if you guess wrong on where the kick is aimed you’ve moved your hands, opening you up for a big shot

I should mention that since the liver is on your right side, you should especially be targeting the body with left kicks
One gorgeous aspect of the left kick is how the inside lowkick pairs with the headkick

Lead lowkick is very low commitment, often called the jab of kickboxing. But pairs excellently with the high/low/mid mixup
THEN if they’re walkin away from your left side it sets up the right
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT TIP! Samkor is southpaw here so just image he’s switching lol

As you kick HARD with your left your opponent is forced to commit his right arm specifically to defense. Not only does this limit his punchin, BUT you can also destroy the limb entirely
Having a good lead trip and lead knee are great too, it lets you stay in your stance and counter either with a “grapple” or something that deters grapplin Lol
In the same vein a Switchkick is a switch knee until your shin comes through, it’s actually dangerous even before you can even land the kick lol
IN CONCLUSION: learn how to kick hard with both sides, it lets ya flow between combos, punish movement, punish matchups, and brutalize livers, very cool!
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