re: last tweet -- am a huge nerd and wrote a python script to calculate the total # ways one can add up to 29 using 4 numbers between 3 and 10
final result: 284 possible ways
i cannot believe This is the type of contribution i am making to Xiao Zhan's bday but in conclusion, #bjyxszd send tweet
Nita pointed out below that this considers differences in order - i.e. [9, 7, 8, 5] considered different from [7, 9, 8, 5]. So I went ahead and removed those 'duplicates' and final count is:
which, granted, cuts it down a lot but! 1/20 is still 0.05% probability of landing on the combo of 9785 🤧
i’m a 🤡 that forgot how % signs worked, 1/20 = 0.05 = 5% 🤡♥️.
this thread is a mess but y’all still get my point right 😅🤣🥺
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