what an eventful weekend, let's do a small "safe" farming thread to bring back the morale up

small alpha leaks👇
$UNI is listed on @compoundfinance?

if you won the marshmallow test you still have some

1) Deposit UNI
2) Borrow DAI (Cost 3.92% APY, Earn 5,07% in COMP)
3) deposit DAI in @AaveAave (earn 3.37% + flash fees)

cost is pretty offset, COMP yield is "free"
wen @furucombo combo?
$Dough is the Asset of @PieDAO_DeFi

they supercharged the @BalancerLabs LP program on 80/20 Dough/ETH LP
will only last a week but when I checked it was double-digit weekly APY.

you're exposed to $Dough price variation, take this into consideration.
$AAVE staking module is on, join the ~2000 stakers doing safety farming on @AaveAave.

currently ~12.5% APR paid in AAVE.

Safety module cooldown period is 10 days, but if you're a long term holder, cool way to stack AAVEs while supporting the protocol!
If you're a seasoned Farmer you can optimize these strategies a lot by accepting a bit more risks.

But I'm witnessing a lot of people here that don't understand risk profiles, so won't share more advanced strategies.

Do your own research folks!
You can follow @lemiscate.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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