Trump's doctors confirm he was given oxygen and the steroid dexamethasone, which is used to dial down the immune response and indicates they're worried inflammation might cause lung damage. He was given antibodies just 2 days ago to boost immune response. Kitchen sink approach?
He's also completing his course of remdesivir which impedes viral replication. Remdesivir and dexamethasone used together might be complementary, rather than opposing, but this combination hasn't actually been studied as far as I know
The president's treatment course has puzzled many medical experts, and perhaps reveals the limitations associated with VIP medicine -- when the patient's doctors go all out and follow hunches rather an evidence-based approach. The outcomes are not necessarily superior.
'“VIP syndrome,” as it is known in the literature, is described as a cycle of patient demands resulting in unsound clinical judgment in efforts to meet unrealistic expectations resulting in deleterious outcomes. '
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