For those who think a Swedish "second wave" is only about how many people are hospitalized or dying. This is till happening to me, now almost 7 MONTHS after I first fell ill. Left is from Sept 22, right is right now.

Most of the time is good now, >97 but this is still regular
That's my blood oxygen levels dipping under 94, the "safe" level. At my worst it went in to the 80s. I bought the pulseoximeter a couple of years ago out of curiosity, prior to Covid I had never seen it drop below 97. I bought a second to confirm it was correct. It is.
ZERO health issues before covid apart from some mild allergies. I was very fit, resting pulse rate in the mid to low 50s, training 5-7 times a week and training others

Sweden is now having thousands of people a week testing postive for covid. How many are going to be #longcovid?
Any "expert" who doesn't talk about this when being asked their opinions on what is happening excludes themselves as an expert. They are not informed. They don't know what this virus is about, and what impact it is having on society and individuals.
Most of us couldn't even get medical attention, let alone tested. I was told just to stay home. Health services didn't want people with suspected covid coming in and potentially infecting others.
The symptoms vary, for me it's regularly bouts with shortness of breath, lots of GI problems, pain and diarrhea sometimes for a week or more. More recently I've started getting "kaleidoscope vision" or auras, something associated with migraine, which I've never had before.
You don't want this virus. You don't want anyone in your family to have this virus. It's can be stopped. We well have vaccines next year. Fight for your health, fight for your families and friends health and fight for your government to stop it.
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