This. I take accountability of being a wife that didn’t see her spouse fully because it was all about unpacking my trauma and building my dreams 100%. I was superficially a #happywife with a #sadlife
Now does this mean my husband should’ve cheated on me for years... eh, hell no. But, I think if we both wasn’t caught up in please society that we could’ve freed each other without the pain. 💫 our time is up. It happened how it should’ve but it taught me so much.
When you are loving a human, you are loving a human. The darkness & the light. We are divinely connected. No relationship is not your soul’s mirror... just look. If you can’t see yourself, remove yourself. When you remove yourself, no relationship. We are always in control.
I will never again cry my soul out to a deity to fix a man. Never. I’ve passed that test, no need to retake. As I fix myself, my person reflects that, might not be the same characteristics but the frequencies match.
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