A history of Nicki Minaj being anti-black, an educational thread:
1. Nicki Minaj has agreed with Donald Trump in the past and went as far as calling him “hilarious”
2. Nicki Minaj has openly admitted to preferring white media coverage over black ones (labeling the latter as ‘the blacks’)
3. Nicki Minaj distastefully used Rosa Parks’ name in order to make a cheap punchline in the song “Yikes”, and did not care about the resulting backlash.
4. Nicki Minaj used a hashtag for finding missing WOC (blackgirltragic) to emphasize that she did not care about what people thought about her relationship with Kenneth Petty (a RSO).
5. Nicki Minaj has a history of putting down other black women. For example, she targeted several racial epithets at Lil Kim in the song “Stupid Hoe”.
6. Nicki Minaj has also repeatedly attacked Cardi B (an Afro Latina). After Cardi B claimed that Nicki tried to stop her bag, Nicki attempted to make some profit off the situation.
7. Nicki Minaj has a lengthy history of putting down and insulting black women on Instagram
8. Nicki Minaj has never collaborated with Kendrick Lamar or J-Cole, two black men who use their music to speak on racial issues in America (perhaps Nicki’s anti-blackness is the reason why).
9. Nicki Minaj has undergone bleaching procedures to make herself look more light-skinned.
10. Nicki Minaj does not use her music to speak on racial issues, preferring to make bubblegum pop and mediocre rap songs in order to chart high on the Hot 100.
11. Nicki Minaj has tried to distance herself from her black origins, going as far as making bizarre claims that she’s part-Japanese (not true), and appropriating Japanese culture.
12. The only African country Nicki Minaj has toured in is South Africa - a country with the largest white population in Africa.
13. Notice how far down “black” is on this list.
14. Nicki Minaj has a history of attacking BET, the most prominent black television network (yes I know BET dissed Nicki after Cardi B won a Grammy but it was funny and Nicki’s response was unwarranted).
In conclusion, Nicki Minaj is anti-black and has a disturbing history of putting down her own race, especially black women. Her behavior is simply unacceptable and NM5 deserves to flop because of this.
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