Actually feel really bad for women in any industry, they are loved when they are on their way to success but the moment they become HUGE, they are picked at for every little thing. I have seen this way too much. Taylor swift was so loved back in 2011 then she got her first #1 &+
All of a sudden she was being doubted if she's "original" or maybe racist bc she's too white?? 2016 was a hell for Taylor bc everyone had been waiting for her to get cancelled and this woman went thru so much hell she literally wanted to disappear, there were death +
Murals being made for her and ppl bullying her and even recently a FAKE post went viral with over 300k+ likes which painted Taylor as homophobic like people want her to be problematic so bad????
Brie Larson was so loved back in 2016 when she won an Oscar, everyone was happy but her career started to reach its peak with captain marvel and all of a sudden she was a man hating femin*zi?? She became a bitch who is boastful and arrogant???
Megan thee stallion blew up this year and NOBODY stands for her. A man SHOT her but she's the one being called a liar, while that man who shot her is still collecting his coins and that woman is being called "desperate" for even collaborating with other artists???
When blackpink debuted in 2016 the amount of ppl that were rooting for them to blow up and when they did blow up in 2018 all of a sudden blackpink was lazy, blackpink was untalented, so many disgusting rumors about these girls???
And people believe all of this bc someone on internet said so. These "woke ppl" are actually the worst bc they pretend to care about these issues and hypocrisy women face EVERYDAY just bc that female artist is "annoying".
I had never said this before but I once dreamed of being a successful artist too but the way everyone treats successful women, I can't even imagine going thru that. What happens to all these women I just see it as an audience and I already feel like crying and I break bc+
HOW these women deal with all of this?? There is truly no place for women in this world.
Women are allowed to be successful but not more than men😁
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