///Speculating/Spoutin shit

As a musican™, the reasoning for no C418 tracks in smash seem like a load of sus. There ain't no reason you can't make those calm and serene tracks pumping, its been done before like 8 years ago 1/?
If you can turn a relaxing piano chill into an electronic bop you could turn it into a epic sweeping orchestral smash mix


THIS is the song from Minecraft Dungeons they remixed for the reveal trailer. 2/?
While only 2 of the 7 tracks fall under this (Both attempting to emulate C418's style,) What they all do have in common is that NONE of these were originally composed by C418. So what gives? 3/?
My guess? Licensing issue.

C418 owns the tracks he made for MC, cuz thats usually how you do it in the indie scene. Musician makes the music, owns it and therefore copyrights it, and the game dev pays for a license to use that music in the game. 4/?
AAA companies usually hire a musician on a contract that basically has the musician give up the rights to the music. While Microsoft went by the indie system for Aquatic Update, C418 hasnt made music for minecraft since, and Microsoft hired someone new for Nether Update 5/?
So BASICALLY my theory is that Nintendo couldnt get the rights to remix Minecraft's original music into Smash because Microsoft didn't have permission to give them music they didn't own. 6/?
I mean, a billion dollar company SHOULD be able to properly pay the creator of some of the most iconic music in the most iconic game to use without taking the rights to it, right?? right????? Microsoft?????????? 7/?
maybe Nintendo could have also approached c418 directly? who knows. Like I said this is all just speculation. This thread was made because I havent seen anyone ELSE make it and maybe I'm poking my nose into places I shouldnt asdfghhgfd 8/?
We may never truly know WHY theres no Smash remix of Sweden, but I will forever be mildly disappointed by that fact
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