Biden has been very busy producing memorable gaffes, so it seems like a good time to compile a thread of them from the campaign trail. I should note, however, that there are multiple examples of Biden not knowing which state he is in. So, to keep it short, I’ve only included 7.
Who is Boris Johnson?

How does someone running for president not know who Boris Johnson is?
How do you know a Democratic Party politician is pulling bogus numbers out of thin air to promote his nonexistent policies?

When he claims his policy will put more people to work than the current population is, you know that he is verifiable lying to America. AGAIN!
Biden starts out the October debate, by claiming, “We have to start rewarding work, not just wealth. I would eliminate the capital gains tax. I would— I would raise the capital gains tax to the highest rate of 39.5 percent, I would double it,” but caps off the evening with...
@realDonaldTrump gets a lot of flak for typos in his tweets and his catchy phraseology that has ironically become a popular phenomenon. But Biden, he never gets called out by the media on his made up words, that literally don’t exist, because they have no meaning.
“If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black” Biden, is seen here laughing about putting tens of thousands of blacks in prison
This is so cringeworthy. Yikes. #WalkAway

In Iowa Joe Biden spoke of housing policy as though he was still Vice President and Barack Obama was President.

This man cannot be President!

Please add your favorite Biden gaffe & keep this thread going. Many hands make light work, and all.
Thank y’all. Have a great day.
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