Being discharged | A thread
A huge turning point in my mental health recovery was when I escaped by jumping over three fences & when the police finally found me I had already taken an overdose...
In the medical hospital I was taken to for the antidote treatment, I refused to co-operate and was sedated and once again found myself on life support but for longer as my liver began to shut down...
When I woke from the coma I was transferred to the Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) & I just remember realising that I didn’t want that to be my life any more.
It had been a huge wake-up call and a massive kick up the bum! So I put all the effort I’d been using to hurt myself, and turned it into determination to help save myself!
When it came down to the actual discharge, rather than have me go from 24/7 support to living alone, I was transferred to a ‘rehab’ ward where I had my own little bungalow and staff were nearby and regularly checked in on me
I was still terrified at the thought of everything being so different - I mean, I’d been in hospital two and a half years so I’d almost inevitably become a little institutionalised.
It wasn’t just the staff support I’d come to appreciate though, it was also about being surrounded by my pets; fifteen other girls with #BPD
And ok, there was often a lot of arguments & drama...
... but there was also a whole ton of support & empathy! And it meant the world to me when the girls threw a little party on my last night there & gave me cards & presents!
The last pics in this thread:
1. The boot of the hospital’s car
2. My hospital bathroom decorated in cards from my Mum
And 3. My hospital bedroom also decorated with cards!
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