Agree that big vs. small is the wrong framing. But so is the below.

We need better-designed regulation, not more or less of it.

We have too-restrictive zoning regulations in some ways. But we need zoning regulations for safety issues. Like chemical storage near flood zones.
Yes, there is over-regulation in many areas - but there is far more *mis*regulation.

Zoning is focused on preserving property values over healthy growth. That's bad. But removing zoning regulation completely can lead to failing inner cities, slums, and unhealthy sprawl.
You might think you can get better results by restricting what can be disallowed, but that's tricky - and leads to other issues.

Can we tax based on infrastructure costs? If not, infrastructure fails. And if we can, NIMBYs can accomplish the same thing as they do with zoning.
And zoning based on safety concerns can get really complex.

We can't just say "make building hurricane safe" - we rules about post and beam joint strength, joining prefab trusses, and so on - and that's just the roofs.

So we need smarter regulation, not less regulation.
If I had a choice between current regulations and no regulations, I think I'd (sadly) predict the status quo is going to have better outcomes than an unregulated market.

That's not the choice.

But doing regulation minimally AND well requires far more work, and more trust.
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