1/4 Watched #TheBoysInTheBand last night on Netflix, and while I can say that I love that it's a cast of gay actors playing gay characters because they want lots of gay viewers to see lots of gay actors play lots of gay characters, I still hate the play.
2/4 It's mainly because the characters don't make sense. Sure, many gay men hated themselves in the 60s (and still do). But these characters are unrelentingly mean to each other. Surely, in NYC, they could find other friends who would treat each other better. #TheBoysInTheBand
3/4 But also because of its "every character gets a showcase moment to talk about something painful" structure, which feels a little dated and very much of its time. #TheBoysInTheBand
4/4 This is not an invitation for you to gaysplain me about "how it used to be back then." I've been to more gay rodeos than you think. #TheBoysInTheBand
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