A list of things you are NOT responsible for
You are not responsible for maintaining others' happiness. Make them smile if you can, but just because they have a frown, it isn't your fault.
You are not responsible for what triggers you or being hurt. Love yourself and help yourself, Time will heal you.
You are not responsible for how people react or consider your boundaries. You have them for a reason, don't let anyone cross the limit, and if they do, walk away, you need none who hurts you/makes you feel insecure/unworthy.
You are not responsible for the actions, choices, decisions and words of someone you love or care about them. If they are right, support them. If you have another opinion, tell them. If they are wrong, correct them, and if you can't, it's alright.
You are not responsible of living up to or staying within someone's expectations. You are who you are, be yourself and let yourself be free. If they don't think you can do it, prove them wrong, if they say you're not allowed to do it, show them why it should be allowed to.
You are not responsible for fixing everything broken, and you can't. Just because you love them and want to help them, you can't always fix them, and don't forget that. You do what you can, help them move on and move on.
You are not responsible for the things you can't control. If you had an emotional outbreak, breathe, apologize if you can and explain the situation if you want to, or be normal. They'll understand or judge you, that's them, and you're you. It is what it is.
You are not responsible for others' judgements and comments for who you are. You are beautiful, amazing, worthy and deserve all the love and respect in the universe. If they question you for who you are,show them what you are and how strong you are,not through words, but actions.
You are not responsible for proving your worth to others. You don't have to. Just love yourself. Prove to yourself that you are capable of achieving your dreams, and that automatically proves your strength to others, without you even trying.
There was a time I wanted someone to tell me these things, but I had to learn them myself, so I'm sure someone who reads this would find it helpful. So, spread the love, and spread the message. Rt it, send it to your friends and remember...
You are the most responsible for YOUR well-being, mentally and physically, and that itself is one step towards making sure that you are a responsible human who cares about others.
Live. Love. Laugh. Dream. Dare. Do.
Treat People With Kindness
Xx. ❤️
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