China's strategy to adhere to the concrete, keeping its nose to the grindstone pays... while US/WEST are engaged in a sterile media war destined to be a flop.

America is schizophrenic. On the one hand, White House screams decoupling and one would think we are on the brink
2/ of a war. On the other hand the actual US investment increased 6% for the first 6 months in China. According to Navarro, these US investors are "turncoats"

Where can the money go anyway? There's no where to go. To spite China, normally US investors should invest in India
3/where labor is cheaper. (Well, if China practiced "slave labor", what should Indian labor be called then?)

Unfortunately, the pandemic is out of control in India, and situation is not likely to improve anytime soon. The statistics are bad, but reality is much worse given
4/there're no state bureaucracies in India's countryside collecting data. In view of the situation, no investors would dare to put money down in India. Besides, even when Covid19 is over, can one guarantee that there wouldn't be other waves of viruses as destructive as Covid19
5/ coming to taunt humanity again and again in the future?

China is one of few countries in the world which is perceived to be capable of putting a disease quickly under control. What's investor confidence? This is investor confidence. If they invest in factories and then
6/factories can't operate because of a plague, they lose big. Indian democracy is not an advantage if it can't control diseases. Currently Indian manufacturing sector is being dealt with a hard blow. Its labor intensive. factories can't open because of the risk of mass infection.
7/ Orders are gone from Indian factories to Chinese factories, especially in the textile sector. India faces mass factory closures and mass unemployment. Border clashes will not solve the problem. US/WEST have doubled down on propaganda lies of slave labor in China
8/and hidden Covid19 disasters.

Well, whether or not China's pandemic is under control, investors know better than anyone else. They have their own sources of information.

Multinationals are running factories in China, not prisons. Forced slave labor is only possible in a
9/ prison, not the line of business of multinationals.

Multinationals choose to operate in China now because of the idiosyncracy that China can deal with the pandemic and elsewhere can't.

Multinationals don't have to worry about Covid19 response. Chinese government has
10/devised a strict effective protocol for all companies to follow which ensure zero infection. Investors' confidence in democratic India or elsewhere is not boosted by anti-China media propaganda. It's boosted by concrete reality.

So despite trade war, galvanized anti-China
11/ propaganda, China's trade balance increased 27% vis-à-vis US. To tell the truth, this even comes as a surprise to China.

Situation is likely to further look up for China and look down for India and US. Before whipping yourself into a hate storm against China, maybe learn
12/ first not to lie on China otherwise nobody knows the reality. Nobody knows what is happening in China. The elite, the 1%, the multinationals are not fooled by propaganda and they are the ones prospering in all circumstances.
13/ Their unbiased understanding of China gives them an undeniable advantage. They will come out of the pandemic fine while others flounder.
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