This man is clearly the person responsible for attacking a black journalist at a "Proud Boy" event.

The Police saw him do it, gave him a pat on the back and let him go.

He was id'd a week ago and still nothing...
I am not pointing this out because I believe that locking this man up is a solution. He has been locked up plenty and whatever broken part of his psyche that compels him to break other people hasn't been fixed by him going to jail
One can spend a ton of time digging into how the massive carceral state of 2 million is a means of wealth expropriation from urban to more rural areas
Or how the blast radius of the material reality of mass imprisonment smashes hope, crushes families, and perpetuates debunked and sadistic racist notions that punitive barbarism somehow is related to justice.
But beyond all of that, the belief in the carceral state gives us a false sense of security. We get to believe that warehousing already traumatized people and traumatizing them again somehow makes things better, when all available evidence shows it makes things worse.
Am not minimizing what this person did. What I am saying is that we have to ask what justice really looks like. What it really is. I took a deep dive into this guy's world via his social media
He really seemed to believe that "Antifa" was out to hurt his community. Set forests on fire and block relief efforts. He believed these things because sophisticated people who are skilled at manipulating intuitive thinkers like him filled his head with cognitive poison.
The more that people are disengaged from the broader community the more susceptible they are to that kind of manipulation.

Add in the problem of addiction and there you go.
This broken man that seeks to fix himself by breaking other people needs help. Not just for his sake. For our sake. Justice isn't in cages. Justice would be him getting the help he needs so that he could work towards making his community better.
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