this is what happens when a filipino mlm writes a story about filipino mlm. this is what happens when you give the lgbtqia+ community freedom to write OUR stories, direct OUR stories, portray OUR stories.
tw mlm fetishisation

i've spoken on this before, and these thoughts are an extension of the discussion i've seen from my mlm/nblm mutuals, which is that the majority of stories for mlm are written by and consumed by non-mlm. often, this can result in the fetishisation of mlm.
not always, but certainly where non-mlm are not critical of the content and/or dismiss mlm/nblm's voices.

for that reason, gaya sa pelikula honestly hits differently. it's ownvoices. it's warm and silly but it can also be direct about larger sociopolitical issues. i love that.
i also love how the writer named the leads karl and vlad, which are direct references to socialist politics. it also indicates that this show has intention. it has direction and a vision on what it wants to convey - and it executes that vision perfectly.
it is so refreshing to watch a show that respects its audience by SHOWING character as opposed to TELLING character. it's refreshing to observe playful satire in the way cishets (ate judit) react to her brother with explosive proclamations of "love is love! i'm an ally!" +
and portraying how the people who mean the best for you, who love you sincerely, sometimes do not know what you actually need. it's refreshing to see each lead having rich inner lives and motivations outside of their relationships.

and there's only been 2 episodes so far!!
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