I am sorry I have to have this conversation, but hear me out before blocking.

I am an Asian Sister here, who is concerned by all that is happening past couple of days

To begin with, You have done a recommendable Job with Billboards and

Ofcourse with safe education for school. I know You only mean to build a safe and good world for Your 2 daughters to be brought up in. Having said that, You have achieved quite a lot, with Your grit , determination, resourcefulness and co ordination across regions

We value Your achievements and all the work You have put in so far and totally understand all it is costing You in terms of health, personal life, finances, professional life, social life and Your emotional stability

We have always appreciated Your work and will continue to

I understand and totally agree that it is evident that we have been infiltrated by bot accounts and incels in the past to divide and rule or perhaps just de rail the agenda, however after seeing many of the accounts put by You in the thread and the theory behind it,

I am sorry to say, but I think You might have some serious misunderstanding which is justified given the pile on's and hate you are taking up from all ends while doing all the hard and good work.

What I would request You is to take a minute to reflect, converse with them

If You find anyone condescending, You can point it out, however blocking people has mostly led everyone to a belief that either You are having an emotional melt down due to stress of all You do, or worst yet, You are trying to infact divide everyone.

I know Chris, its been rough, but I know there will Always be a middle ground. Please try to find it. Let's talk about it and clear any misunderstandings or gap in communication.

Let's begin with talking with rather than talking about those accounts You suspect perhaps?

I have faith that You will find the reason and try to communicate over this đź’›

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