1/n. Situ is at boiling point among militias. Even brawls happen. Some want to go against protests with more violence - some question why bother with protesters anyway, since they only walk around.
2/n. Militias are very tired, both mentally and physically. Disorganized and decentralized nature of protests forces them to move a lot - but spontaneous changes by crowd break all plans.
3/n. Isolation. Previously militias lived almost like normal people. Today they almost never leave their base. Even consumption of alcohol was allowed. Living (with family) inside walled mil base - is already like living in a prison.
4/n. Fear. They never leave their houses alone, only in groups. Regular patrols around living quarters.
5/n. Waiting game. Some in militias try to find excuses not to go to Sunday protests rally. They only wait for an opportunity to quietly resign, to keep their pensions.
6/n. Personnel shortages. Even retired and reservists had to be called in. Those participate since they can earn in only two days wages worth otherwise two weeks of work.
7/n. Last Sunday's message "in the direction of march/rally there is a militia base" seriously frightened militias and their families who live on the base. Many were ready for emergency evacuation. Now - they even put barbed wire on the fences.
8/END. Peaceful protests work. We just don't see it - system crumbles from inside. Slowly, but the process has started.
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