"Rip-off-cunt" is a regular term used by #sexbuyers to describe a woman in #prostitution who has not satisfied their wants and whims. German sex buyers sometimes find my blog dedicated to the exposure of their misogyny and violence and are surprised to find me calling this out.
In the sex buyers mind the term "rip-off-cunt" (German: Abzockfotze) is warranted, because the woman was the one who wronged them by lack of enthusiasm or compliance when all they did was expect to be treated as "customers". https://dieunsichtbarenmaenner.wordpress.com/tag/rip-off-cunt/
Taking aside the fact that this language is never acceptable about any person, it strongly showcases how the sex buyers "customer mentality" leads to extreme entitlement, as he rages against the women in #prostitution like other people burst out at handymen who do faulty repairs.
The assaults and murders of women in #prostitution by sex buyers for "incomplete service" are not individual 'deranged' outliers. Like incels they are the manifestation of deep seated misogyny and the logical result of online and offline breeding grounds for male entitlement.
I am really not exaggerating when I say that male sexual entitlement (not solely present in prostitution but taken to a crystallized extreme in the sex trade) kills women in #prostitution. I am going to post examples of women murdered in Germany. Mute if you don't wanna see this.
Bruni Schramm (48) was a woman in German #prostitution. Bruni was disabled and had a hunchback, for she was bullied. On Dec 17th, 1985 she was murdered by a sex buyer after refusing to comply with his fetishistic wishes.
Maria Concalves (25) was a Portuguese woman in German #prostitution. On Oct 2nd, 1994 she was murdered inside a legal brothel by a sex buyer, who most likely attacked her for "dissapointing service" and wanted his money back. https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:maria_concalves
Lydia Schlüter (34) was a woman in German #prostitution. On May 30th, 1996, she was murdered inside an apartment brothel by a sex buyer, who wanted his money back after the "service". He murdered her for the modern equivalent of 50 euros. https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:lydia_s&s[]=lydia&s[]=schl%C3%BCter
Maria Kuenstler (19) was a Chilean women in German #prostitution. On June 2nd, 2001 she was murdered in a hotel by a sex buyer, when she refused him "service" prior to payment. 3 years later he assaulted another woman for refusing his "desired service". https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:maria_kuensler
Doris K. (64) was a woman in German #prostitution. On Nov 25th, 2002 she was murdered in a legal brothel by a sex buyer who thought she was asking for too much money. He was only willing to pay 10€. https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:dorisk
Rosanna M. (31) was a woman in German street #prostitution murdered on Oct 19th, 2003, by a regular "customer", who wanted his money (40€) back after. When she refused he stabbed her to death in his car. https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:bielefeld31&s[]=bielefeld&s[]=2003
Karin Hildebrandt-Rose (46) was a woman in German #prostitution murdered on Dec 20th, 2005 by sex-buyer Stephan S. (33), after fighting over payment he felt she didn't deserve because he found her "ugly". https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:karin_hildebrandt_rose
Angie (28), woman in German prostitution on defending herself against violent sex-buyers: "But often we don't stand a chance of self-defense. During intercourse we are at the mercy of the guests." Jeanni: "The police does nothing about this. We are completely on our own."
Anamaria Negoita (22) was a Romanian woman in German #prostitution, murdered on March 25th, 2006 by a sex buyer, who thought that paying her 80€ constituted a "rip-off" - so he shot her dead. Anamaria was likely trafficked. https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:anamaria_negoita
Iza Z. (32) was a Polish woman in German #prostitution, murdered on March 25th, 2009 in an apartment brothel by sex-buyer Oliver G. (21) for not participating in anal sex to his satisfaction. He got life in prison. https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:iza_z
Maren S. (19) was a woman murdered on Sep 21st, 2009, in a legal brothel by a sex-buyer who didn't want to pay 60€ for 30 minutes (standard price). It was Maren's 2nd day in German #prostitution. https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:maren_s
Eunice Okojie (24) from Nigeria was a woman in German #prostitution murdered on Jan 23rd, 2010, in a legal brothel by sex-buyer Abbas F. (26), who wanted some of his money back for "bad service". | Image below is just a stand-in. https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:eunice_okojie
Temenuzkla Y. (25) was a Romani woman in German street #prostitution nearly murdered by sex-buyer Christopher P. (26) haggeling over 20€. Temenuzkla is severly disabled as a result of her injuries to this day. https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:temenuzkla_y
Olga O. (32) was a Ukranian woman in German #prostitution murdered on Aug 26th, 2011, in a legal brothel by sex-buyer Sven B. (pictured below). He killed her because he felt cheated for time and insisted he still had 20 minutes access to her body. https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:olga_o
"Linda" (25) was a Romanian woman in German #prostitution shot dead on July 27th, 2016, in front of the legal brothel "Paradise" by a regular "customer" (53), who was angry he kept getting "bad service". 2017 the "Paradise" is busted for human trafficking. https://sexindustry-kills.de/doku.php?id=prostitutionmurders:de:gerit
I am all in support of giving women in #prostitution every support available including harm reduction measures (condoms, voluntary health check ups, methadone if necessary, self defense classes), but I do not ever want to hear that better "negotiating skills" will keep them safe.
I know too many prostitution survivors told that their trauma is a result of personal failings, bad weeding out of "customers" and poor negotiating. This is victim blaming plain and simple. No woman has the superpower to recognize and/or "tame" any aggressive man out there.
Finishing with what I started: Repeatedly when sex buyers find my blog about them https://dieunsichtbarenmaenner.wordpress.com/menu/  their response is "we're not that bad, come on, these women really are cunts!" and a little bit of uncomfortable self-reflection...
A sex-buyer is the most likely killer of a woman in #prostitution in Germany. Not her partner, not her boss, not a stranger - her "customer". This is similar the world over: https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/159/8/778/91471; http://library.college.police.uk/docs/appref/Sex-Work-and-Prostitution-Guidance-Jan-2019.pdf. Any policy decision made must take this into account.
Here is advice to women in #prostitution on how to not be literally murdered on the job: https://uknswp.org/um/safety/essential-safety-for-sex-workers/ Not that I think women don't deserve advise, but don't you dare call it a job when it involves daily fear of lethal violence from the "customer". That's not acceptable
This thread could go on forever with cases of sex-buyer violence against women. With advice that can never be good enough to actually keep her safe. We can't regulate away this problem, because the male entitlement is the pillar the industry rests on alongside poverty and racism.
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