Very excited to be back teaching Economics of Regulation 11am Monday. Thought I would share my slides for anyone interested.
Let the discussion and interaction begin.
Yes there is only one slide. Why? Because if I have more I will feel the need to talk through them and I want it to be less of me. This way I can focus on the activities and discussion so I can hear from the students.
What about content? All there. Probably too much. But mainly async and activities prepared behind these questions - polls, shared doc to ease us in and of course zoom class. Grateful to the senior people across the regulators who let me interview them to bring the real world in.
But will everyone contribute? Possibly not but they will still learn. I have had discussion in lectures for years and they warm up as term progresses. Engagement in docs, chat and polls so if not comfortable talking that is okay.
How do you organise this so that students feel they can contribute? This is a small class and I have split them in two so they get one hour each in a group of 25-30. Size of a @CTaLE_UCL EconTEAching seminar. It takes pre planning and lots of communication with students.
I am going to end with a “do not try this at home” warning for anyone completely new to teaching or teaching a new course. Doing this comes with 8 years experience of the course and 23 years (eek) working in regulation. Give yourself a break and do what you find best for you.
Week 2 live session ready to go. Same philosophy - one slide; lots of questions to discuss. Who knew the US Congress would provide async materials too:
Week 3 live session now ready. Hoping students are doing okay with all the async materials and activities that make the interactive live session feasible. Great contributions from them so far but also good point to check-in to see how they are doing.
Week 4 live session one slide now ready. I used to do ownership at the end but my poll from week 1 told me students were very interested in privatisation v nationalisation so have brought it forward. And it works better so thanks to the students for helping me adapt and improve.
And thanks to @leohavemann for the suggestion to remind myself to hit record on the slide.
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