Men masculinized women over 5’6, women went for taller men to feel more feminine, now they blame the internet and salty women looooooooool
Come on man my 5’7 ass didn’t get called a basket baller, linebacker, compared to black footballers during my teenage hood for you to pin this on bitterness loooooool, short men ran the jokes so you can hold the jokes now buddy!
Now there’s men invalidating my real life experiences looooooool bro don’t you have shame?????
One last thing before I mute I KNOW 5’6/5’7 isn’t tall whatsoever but in between 5’4 men claiming they’re 5’7 and the insults, we were lead to believe we’re abnormally tall. It’s only been in the last 2 years I’ve learned in fact I’m not tall whatsoever
And I’m not here to insult short men but their excuses for why short men are “disliked” were borderline insulting considering they’re the ones who started the entire “tall women 🥴” agenda
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