I have deleted my tweet about Sen. Johnson going to a fundraising event after testing positive, as I think the MSN story claiming this (see below) is wrong. Other sources say Sen. Johnson went there after taking the test, but *before he received the results.*
Ah, wait, I think I see what happened. I believe that MSN story is a reprinted Daily Beast story. The Daily Beast has since updated its story, see below but MSN hasn't. Mental note: Don't rely on http://MSN.com  again for news. https://www.thedailybeast.com/gop-sen-ron-johnson-went-to-oktoberfest-party-after-testing-positive-for-covid-19
I realize that some will argue that Senator Johnson should still be criticized for going while awaiting results. But that MSN story is just factually false. My apologies for sharing it, and thanks to the commenter who pointed out its error. /end
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