cishet people, stop trying to share lgbtqia+ people's struggles.
[a thread]
do you live in fear that your parents or loved ones may kick you out or send you to a bad place if they find out you are cishet?
do you have to hide your relationship in fear that your parents will make you leave them because you are opposite sexes?
do you have to fear for your life because you are cishet?
do you have to endure slur after slur and hate speech against you because you are cishet? being called a straighty or straggot on the internet is not hate speech.
do you have to deal with constant fetishization of your relationships simply because they are opposite sex relationships?
do you have to deal with people constantly saying "you aren't straight, you're just faking it"?
do people tell you that you are going to hell for being cishet?
is it illegal to be cishet in many countries?
can you be turned away from medical care for being cishet?
are cishet people assaulted for not kissing their SO for others fetishization and entertainment?
are you living in fear that your rights as a cishet person might be taken away?
are people constantly using the incorrect pronouns for you because they refuse to believe your pronouns exist?
do cishet people get killed for being cishet?
because if none of these happen, then you don't share our struggles. heterophobia isn't real. stop trying to victimize yourself for being cishet and educate yourself. lgbtqia+ people reading this thread, you are so valid and loved. don't let anyone tell you otherwise🤍🌈
[end of thread]
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