Other countries have extended furlough. The cinema industry was not just doing OK before this, it was thriving. These are viable jobs in non-Covid times, we just need a government that will support people and businesses through this to get through to the other side. #Cineworld
The cinema industry is a an ecosystem - we all have strengths in different ways. All the customer polling shows that the audience wants to come back when they feel safe. Production, distribution, exhibition, community cinema, home ents, streaming - there is a place for all of us.
The UK gov will have to deal with paying out unemployment benefit, the economic collapse of the supplier chains to these places, the economic collapse of the towns... All to justify their agenda of no Gov support.
There is no good economic justification for ending furlough in these times. You think paying off furlough will take the a while? Try a huge amount of the country out of work, defaulting on debt and the economic infrastructure of town centres - that's expensive.
The audience development and access support the indie sector has championed for decades had been taken up by the Commercials in the past few years. As we heard of Bond originally moving I was at a big conference where Vue was sharing its commitment to combating social isolation.
The arts doesn't just entertain for the sake of it - cinemas are a gateway into the world and in many ways the most accessible artform. It contributes BILLIONS to the economy and helps create community cohesion. We are risking losing so much.
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