I can't stop staring at this reflection.
Here's the still compared to screen cap of video.

Clearly different lighting, so it's hard to tell. Different angle.

The still was taken with no flash (but there's obviously a ton of studio lighting there for the vid).
I genuinely don't know one way or another.

Obviously everything is staged and all the same props in both.
Reiterating: Ultimately the reflections don't matter one way or another.

You have to get no further than the blank piece of paper to conclude it was am amateurish staging. HOW MUCH of it was, short of lying about the video being real, doesn't matter.
One more point, about staging.

What we have are two stills. If the metadata can be believed, they were taken ten minutes apart, in different rooms, both purportedly part of the Presidential suite at Walter Reed.
The FIRST one (5:25 at the round table) is actually the one that authenticates the video, which is taken at the same table.
Why, after successfully getting the sick man to shoot the hostage video, do they then move him into the second room (rectangular table with more stuff but the same props) for another shot? Why not put his IV back in and throw him back into bed?
I honestly don't know. The problem is these guys' lies don't make sense and they're not SUPPOSED to make sense. The point of the lies is to undermine any hope of knowing the truth.
If the metadata can be believed, it would mean EITHER that they shot the hostage video (in however many takes) before taking the still, OR took the hostage video in one shot (>4 minutes long) then moved all the lights and the sick man for the second image in 6 minutes time.
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