Exclus continuing to spread this shit around despite it being picked apart and thoroughly debunked time and time again as pure word-twisting bullshit is yet more evidence of trans people being wilfully ignored https://twitter.com/chocoseline/status/1312645976444686336
I mean Jesus fucking Christ, the only possible way you could claim terfs think "pronouns ≠ gender" is because they don't believe trans people are the genders we say we are. Comparing that to inclusionists saying "call yourself whatever makes you happy" is fucking disgusting.
Hell the point right after it literally explains that. Terfs think trans people aren't their gender. We do. Therein lies the entire fucking difference you disingenuous hatemob.

And still you claim to not be sided with terfs.
Trans men can be lesbians IF THEY CHOOSE TO IDENTIFY AS SUCH. Terfs just think all trans men ARE lesbians in denial, which is deliberately misgendering and restrictive. For the purpose of denying trans people autonomy.
Which, again. We don't stand for that.
We stand for free expression. Which exclusionists don't.
Same as terfs.

And still you claim to not be sided with them.
ALL of this twists words and conflates shit in the most awful, disingenuous and insidious ways. If you really genuinely stand against terfs then stop spreading that shit. Because disingenuity is terfs' entire schtick. You're claiming to be against them while using their tactics.
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