Nature in and of itself is violent, if you're not killing something your being killed! You are just to cowardice to realize it. You have been (((brainwashed))) for decades to give up your violent instincts. And the weakened society that has come from it is showing.
You shouldn't be praising "peaceful" solutions LMFAO.
You honestly think people who accomplish things do so by being nice?
Life is a constant struggle, when walking thru the forest you can't see the violence. But trust me, it is there!
Trees are fighting for sunlight and nutrition, hunters are killing prey. And insects are waging all out war to be the most dominant.
The systemic weakness that you see around us at any given time comes from the fact that we have given up our warrior instincts.
We now live in such a effeminate society that the response to simple fist-fights is calling the cops.
This has been programmed over and over into us from a early age "call the teacher, don't fix your own problems by fighting back to your bully".
This is why many kids nowadays commit suicide when they are bullied at school, i was bullied aswel.
But my dad is oldschool, and understands the importance of violence, so my bullies stopped after i unleashed a murderous rage upon them.
I am making this thread(in vain, i know) to try and wake people up from their sleep. Stop praising weakness, and listen to the inherent violence that comes from being alive. Your very existence stems from a struggle to reproduce! FIGHT BACK!
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