I am pasting my prepared text on my memo in my iPhone in this thread

It’s about #leon and how his authentic opinion statement can be expected to impact the rest of the world for the better
I didn’t look for the cafe called #leon but I saw one and had a hesitation to get in for the atmosphere but thought it might be the choice with that particular investigation also in mind..until I did get in I spent some time pondering.
#Leon i think kind of gets what sandiford would envy, especially his Japanese trust and the kind of guys get together to surround him.
I happened to have the beer with the name including #adam when I thought of #Douglas . I thought it was Douglas and #adam I get to nominate through drinking the beer but it was Samuel and Adam.
Adam to me is the guy who would like Douglas but in fact would prefer to make friends with Samuel, to be assuming from this godly or ungodly hinting work.
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