Certain Inalienable truths as a venture backed startup founder

1/ You are not your startup. It is a company, a business. Not your salvation.

No matter what anyone says, You don't need to die for your startup.
2/ The market is more important than your product, your team and your vision.

Regardless of why you started the company, focus on the market. Everything else is noise.
3/ Your first 5 hires should NOT BE managers or executives.

Managers and Execs bring complexity to simple tasks.

It doesnt matter how much you raised. This rule will determine your success.
4/ Your currency is momentum. Momentum is growth + narrative.

If you cant tell your story and captivate people you should not expect to raise $$ or hire anyone worthwhile.
5/ Learn to execute on your own in 2 of the following 3:
- Product
- Sales
- Engineering.

p.s. You have to execute on hiring and finance regardless of this.
6/ Founders are better friends than Investors.

Investors are better advisors than Advisors

Advisors are the Mckinsey of startups

Refine your network constantly.
7/ Close your first 25 B2B sales, your first 100 signups and first 1000 B2C customers yourself.

Doesnt matter how manual it is.
8/ Find lessons in every failure before the failure consumes you.

Do not let the disappointment over come the urge to win.
9/ Never trust what an investor or a team member says. ONLY trust what they do.

When people show you who they are, Believe them.
10/ Do not hire any of your first 10 full time hires until they do a project.

That will tell you more than a diligence / reference call.
11/ Collections matter more than Revenue.

Cashflow matters more than profits.
12/ Remote first teams need to over communicate. About everything.

Spend 30% time on a project figuring out what and how to do it.
13/ You are probably more successful than 90% of the founders out there.

You're also not as smart as them. Make it count.
14/ You cannot control events. Only your response to events.

Make your response calm, collected. rational and replicable.
15/ You will probably fail to raise atleast 1 round during your startup.

Thats fine
16/ There are very few "winner takes all" markets any more. Just do NOT try to convince people otherwise.

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