The Essence of Gita

Why do you worry unnecessarily? Why do you fear in vain? Who can kill you? The soul is neither born nor does it dies.
Whatever happened, was for the best. Whatever is happening, is for the best. Do not repent the past. Do not worry for the future.
The present goes on.
What have you lost, that you cry? What did you bring with you that you lost? What did you create, that got destroyed? You did not bring anything with you; whatever you had, was taken from here. Whatever you took, was taken from Him (God).
You came empty-handed, you will go empty-handed. Today what is yours was someone else’s yesterday and will be yet someone else’s tomorrow. You are happy thinking it is yours. It is this happiness that is the cause of your sorrow.
Change is the law of Nature. What you perceive as death, is actually life. One moment you have millions, in the next you are poor. Mine-yours, big-small, relations-strangers; remove these ideas from your thoughts, remove them from your mind,
then all will be yours and you will be for all.
Your body does not belong to you, nor do you belong to the vody. It is mode of fire, water, air, earth and the sky and will return to these. However, the soul is immortal, Then what are you? Dedicate yourself to God.
He is the best guide. He who knows his power is eternally free from fear, worry or grief.
Whatever you do, dedicate it to God. Only through this you will experience eternal bliss.

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