trying to find a cool-headed and reasonable mental spot in-between "microsoft's recent video game studio acquisition spree is extremely concerning" and "obsidian could make a fallout... EPIC"
obviously microsoft using the infinity money dick vortex to suck up as much talent as they can to "fix the problem" of xbox games not being compelling system sellers is a bad thing, and I am extremely concerned that it will lead to an Acquisition Race. but: what if new vegas 2
what if they let obsidian make a new isometric fallout tho
if microsoft is savvy enough to start letting different studios handle each-other's IPs under the big microsoft umbrella, that could make for a really impressive lineup. even if it sucks ass that MS had to buy every worthwhile third-party IP to accomplish it.
i already think sony and microsoft are getting a little too big for their britches. both of them debuting a console with no disk drive at the same time? absolutely a coordinated move. they both want disks gone and they will work together to make that happen.
another extremely fucked up conflicting emotion: i think Sony buying up studios in response to MS would be a bad thing in the long run, but also I heard someone say "Konami" and my first thought was "yeah you know what that would be fine"
"the game industry inching closer to an oligopoly is a bad thing for consumers in the long run" vs. "yeah but what if short term benefits tho"
"oh god please let anyone other than konami own konami's video game IPs" is the ultimate short-term benefit.
on the other hand sony doesn't really need to start buying up studios with a big money dick vortex because their first-party offerings are already good. there is no real need for an acquisition war to start. yet.
like I said, the Microsoft Money Dick Vortex is happening because there's a problem that needs to be solved. Microsoft can't come up with their own ideas to get people buying consoles. so they're throwing money at the problem until the problem is fixed.
and fuck, i mean... the studios they bought and the IPs they acquired? they're probably good to stop. I really hope they do. Problem's fixed, guys! you can stop now! no need for this to turn in to A Thing You Do Regularly!
please understand that every point made in this thread is made under the broader point that i think an "infinite money dick vortex" is something that should not exist. but here we are. the dick vortex is hurling infinite money everywhere as a display of might.
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