Fantasy religions are all so boringly rigid. Where's the dogmatic variance? Where's the doctrinal minor disagreements that turn into massive heresies and cause generational conflicts?
Think of literally any aspect of a fantasy religion, and _know_ that there would be people who disagree with it, and believe something a little differently. Then expand on those ideas, and go from there.
E.g. Let's think about Morr, the God of Death in Warhammer.

Imagine one group thinks that Morr _himself_ is dead, as only the dead can be in Morr's Realm. What if, therefore, these people believe that no living person can have authority over the word of Morr?
Seems like a reasonable assumption to make: Morr's word is law in the realm of the dead, so why would He have living servants (priests) who can speak for him on this side? Therefore, all Morrite Priests are false priests. They're heretics. They must be removed.
Now let's look at the opposite: a Morrite group that firmly believes that Morr is LIVING, which gives him dominion over the dead. This could be extrapolated into the dead being subservent to the living (dangerously necromantic belief? maybe doctrine for a Morrite necromancer?)
But it could also expand to thinking that dead Saints are no longer holy. Only in life are they holy. Therefore, it would throw into question the Church of Morr's veneration of Saints, and their trade on relics.
We now have two groups who believe strictly incompatible things which also conflict with the orthodoxy. Two heresies which are in conflict with each other and the core church. But more importantly, we have a much muddier situation: the Church can't agree one way or the other...
...without seeming to grant legitemacy to one side's views!

We have, in essence, DRAMA.

We have religions which aren't boring fucking cookie-cutter images of what people think Catholicism is, instead of the much more brutal and interesting reality.
And Christ, that's a disagreement over ONE very minor aspect of ONE God in ONE religion.
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