Most difficult position to be as an Employer to any Employee is losing power to detect terms.
We the citizens employ SARS but we cannot FIRE them now, obviously because we cannot even Fire their employers, the Government we installed directly or indirectly firstly... #EndSarsNow
@PoliceNG cannot be at a place where 200million of us are afraid of them, this is because we will start being hostile to them, wicked to their families, insensitive to their ploys and that is a very dangerous place to be in a country...
Doesn't take a magician to know your survival in that type of environment is just a matter of time.
You've got the GUN, the brute force, but you cannot carry it to bed, or to your place of worship, or to the hospital when your daughter is ill, or to your Sons school drop off...
As far back as 2014, i worked in a Govt Hospital down South where we had an unspoken rule in the ER,
'Be hostile to law enforcement, they'd do worse when they have you at their mercy'.
This ranged from not administering care till they got their full registration in the Clinic...
I was almost a fresher then but the lesson was quick to get in, so we had no single humaneness to any officers & their relatives asides the Military, partly because those ones died for us literally & they can fit beat us if we noh get sense.
The rest, easy peasy. No mercy...
That Road safety official who would bring his daughter to the Customs oga whose wife was down, name it, we handled them. The nurses felt & had the same attitude too. Nothing illegal or around withholding care, we just could NEVER bend our backs for you, & knowing our system...
...bending our backs to assist would be the difference between near normal care & you perishing because the system haff already cast.
We gave it to them, not as equally as they did to us on the streets, but enough to give us satisfaction of taking a part of our pound of flesh...
Whether this tradition has continued which it most likely has, whatever the resultant effects may be,
i know for a fact that this isn't a way to be as citizens.
That dying toddler does not deserve the 600years of her fathers demonism, neither does his helpless bleeding wife...
But how do you motivate a nurse who just got the harassment of her life on her way to work to bend over & get fucked more by a fellow member of the same sect minutes later, when she now holds all the cards, or in this instance, the syringes & needles?
Would you?
You get my point?
Do what you chose with this thread but till we start naming & shaming our problems, our society & system will not correct itself. If this treatment applies to every political office holder, law enforcement agent, robbing clergy, name it, people will have sense...
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