The best thing about going to walgreens is that at any time on any day no one is having a normal one.
So, I have a lapse in my insurance and of course my medication is due to be refilled and of course it is expensive bc having a faulty brain costs $$$.
I figure I might as well go in rather than try to call because who even likes phone calls in this year of our lord 2020.
I get in line like the sweet angel I am and shit is going down.
One pharmacist is on the phone with an insurance company trying to get a very simple answer to a question. The insurance company is not having it.
The man being assisted is told that she is talking to them on the phone (duh) and to please take a seat.
He does not take a seat.
Apparently he prefers to stand *near* a seat and pout. Thus effectively blocking anyone who wants to sit down and ignoring very simple instructions.
Pharmacist on the phone is like: 😑😐😑
I'm sure she has seen this dance before and is beyond over it.
At this point, an older man stands sort of near the line but is looking at me with an expression that's like, "she can't possibly be in line".
I am very clearly in line.
In fact, it would be physically impossible for me to be more in line. That's how very in line I am.
Fun fact, I'm also first in line.
His wife comes up and looks at him with a "seriously, what the fuck are you doing" expression. And tells him to go stand in line.
They get in line behind me. Since I am very clearly in the goddamn line.
During this, another pharmacist is braving the godforsaken drive through. He makes the mistake of making a very normal request of seeing an id.
Person in the drive thru cannot believe he has to show his "goddamn id" because he "is who he fucking says he is"
Pharmacist very reasonably says, um it's like a policy when you need a controlled substance.
Shockingly, the person in the car was not swayed by reason and just gets even more mad.
Pharmacist relents, gives the asshole what he wants if only to get him the fuck out of her as soon as possible.
It's now my turn to go to the window. And I had the pleasure of being helped by a pharmacist I will affectionately refer to as The Cowboy. đŸ€ 
I plead my case, tell him about my insurance lapse and ask if I can plz have 30 days instead of 90 days because my pills are very expensive. đŸ„ș
The Cowboy replies, "hell yeah u can". This guy is awesome.
Anyone who casually swears like that while working I am instantly rooting for.
And that was my jaunt to Walgreens. @andykhouri u may enjoy this thread.
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